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Saturday, December 18, 2010

A Good Cause

So, I usually talk about eating animals, right? I'm a carnivore, I like roast meats, and I like butchering meat as well—we'll get into that soon enough on this blog, I'm sure.

Tonight, however, I'm going to talk about something different. Most of you probably read Miss Kagashi's blog over at The Steamer's Trunk/Multiculturalism For Steampunk. For those of you who don't, 1.) you should and 2.) you should also consider chipping in via the widget at the bottom of this post to her charity drive.

Miss Kagashi has decided to support Heifer International, and specifically to raise money towards purchasing a Gift Ark, which includes a mated pair of several animals, plus instruction on their care, feeding, raising, and so forth—a laudable goal if I ever heard one.

So, if you haven't already done so, please consider throwing a few bucks the way of this charity drive during this holiday season. Animals are a gift that keeps on giving, and they can be essential to the survival and improvement of an impoverished community.

On a blog where I celebrate excess—through culinary endeavors and through a healthy love of the Victorian era and its excesses—I would like to exhort you all to give to those who cannot afford the excess.

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